Today Contobox™ launches Defining Moments, it’s guide to developing campaigns that leave a lasting impression. The guide looks at the most engaging campaigns on the internet, and how advertisers can leverage insights from these campaigns to build their own.
What’s the recipe for an effective ad campaign? There are tons of variables to consider—
targeting, context, timing—and as the digital advertising industry evolves alongside
technology and consumer behaviors, so does the amount of emphasis we place on each
of them. But one thing remains constant: creative is king.According to a report from Nielsen Catalina Solutions, which analyzed nearly 500 studies linking advertising to sales results, creative still accounts for nearly half (47%) of a brand’s overall sales lift.
Defining Moments helps advertisers :
Boost a campaign’s sensory appeal
Raise the stakes for customers
Break their brand’s script
Build in milestones for members
Recognize your audience
Make people trip over the truth
Deepen ties with individuals
Create shared meaning with customers